Oct 31 2018

Walk To End Silence 2018

Every October in Middletown, Conn. there is a Walk to End Silence, please consider becoming a voice for survivors of domestic violence and intimate partner violence. It usually is towards the end of the month so mark your calendars to be looking for info once you turn that calendar over to October.https://www.newhorizonsdv.com/node/112

The walk is hosted every year in memory of Baby Aaden – who tragically lost his life at the hands of his abuser. This year they were  are also joined by the family of Shirley A. Moody. They walk to bring awareness to the tragic realities of domestic violence, as many seek to collectively eradicate this severe/ traumatic  public health epidemic.

Our Statistics Are Still Alarming!!!!!

The event is hosted by the Community Health Center, Inc.’s New Horizons Domestic Violence Services & the Middletown Police Department. I am sure when you meet the whole team, and all who join in to make a difference you will enjoy being part of such an important annual event.

Hugs Casey

Oct 28 2018

A Facebook Wonder

When I read this post on Facebook I was brought to tears. My thoughts if only if only  this was taught to all children at an appropriate age could, domestic abuse begin to decrease in alarming numbers. Just think how many young adults look at what this message has to say and honor it. How many young girls read this message and honor themselves as such. If so could there be? would there be a difference in our alarming statistics?

October 26 at 8:04 AM
Thank you Trinity ZeroSphere for sharing this gentle reminder.❤🦂 #SacredSexuality


Do you know…
“That when you enter a woman, you are actually INSIDE of another human being, you are inside of her?
Have you ever realized how sacred this is?
That this is the closest thing to oneness that you will ever experience, and that she holds this gift for you…
That you can return to the womb and to the point of creation…
That you can plant the seeds of creation as well…
That when you leave her, she feels the separation as you physically pulls out and leave her empty…
That being allowed inside of her is a gift, an honoring, something sacred, and that it is your job to know, respect and honor this…
That her heart is connected to her sex, and when you want to enter her sex, you enter her heart as well…
That she feels everything when you enter her, as all of your energy is being passed on and into her. Therefore, you have a responsibility of entering with transparency of your intentions, as she will feel all the ways you might use her to avoid feeling your own pain or emotions. You need to be mindful and aware about why you are entering her, and what you are filling her up with…
That “sex” is the cosmic union of the feminine and the masculine energy, a sacred meeting of polarities, and that it has nothing to do with reaching an orgasm, lasting long enough, the size, another number for your collection, or your worth…
That truly opening up a woman, is about going deep, but not going deep within her, going deep within yourself, knowing yourself, and the deeper you are able to enter yourself, the deeper you can enter a woman as well…”
@ Zoe Johansen

So, please share with me your thoughts on this post.

Hugs Casey


Oct 26 2018

Affirmations After Affirmations


There are times in our lives I think most of us question, what are we doing, where are we going etc. I have struggled for 2 years now with crippling pain, and learned only three months ago that I have been misdiagnosed ALL!!! these months. I won’t go into those issues but believe me  my entire life has been altered in every way.

Today I will just share  my author work has been affected greatly. I struggle getting  up and down stairs so setting up author events has basically been put on hold. Books are heavy, tables very difficult to set up with my injury and so forth. I pray for strength and courage to get through this injustice, especially since it has become  clear there are no doctors in Connecticut that can help me due to the major delay in diagnoses.

What  keeps my hopes up is, I often get emails or txt messages like this one.

“Hi Casey I wanted to let you know I finally got to start your book. I am only about a third of the way thru it but wanted to let you know how inspiring you are for others to share so much of your story by being so open and  vulnerable. I also want to say how sorry I am for the things you have endured but on the other hand you wouldn’t be you if you hadn’t. I will probably finish your book very quickly because I can’t seem to put it down. Let me just say you are AMAZING!!!”


With my deepest gratitude thank you Sue and all my supporter’s for their love, gracious words and keeping my hopes up.

Hugs Casey

Oct 18 2018

A Writer’s Digest Surprise



This was one exciting email to receive, I take pleasure in sharing this thrilling news.

Please see below.

Hi Casey,
Congratulations! Your book, *Crawling Out*, has been awarded First Place in
the Inspirational category for the Writer’s Digest’s Self-Published Book
Awards. Your prize includes $1,000 in cash and promotion in the March/April
2019 issue of *Writer’s Digest*!
I’ve attached a W-9 form for you to fill out so we can get you your prize!
You’ll need to email this back to Tara Johnson (tara.johnson@fwmedia.com)
in the next two weeks. In the coming weeks, our competitions department
will be emailing your writersdigestshop.com $100 coupon code and a digital
awards seal for use in promoting your win, so be on the lookout for more
Again, many congratulations from all of us on the Writer’s Digest team!
Best Regards,
Tyler Moss

Tyler Moss
Writer’s Digest | writersdigest.com

Now tell me was that exciting?
Hugs Casey

Sep 19 2018

A Sweet Message from a Reader!!

I get many messages from all kinds of people from many walks of life. I am always so touched by their words and the fact they took the time to reach out to me. So, I would like to share the latest message I received a day or so ago.

“No one should have to live like that. I read the book and could not put it down, I lend it to a friend and she could not put it down, another friend purchased your book & she couldn’t put it down, I attended your seminar, and you were fabulous. Very strong person. “ You Are a Surviver.”

You sat behind me in Church w/ your little guy , and one would never know how much you were hurting. I wish I had known. I would have given you the biggest hug, + would have offered my help to you , even if only to help take care of your son. Anything, just anything just to help you.
Even offered you my home♥️.
God Bless you Casey Morley, you + your son.
“ I’m here if you ever need anything.
I know what it’s like to suffer & what people do to you instead of trying to help.
But “ God is watching “ and we are all in turn.”

I hope you found some comfort in her words and I hope if you ever need a friend:  there is a Maria for you.

Hugs Casey


Jul 23 2018

Mary, Undoer of Knots

As one could imagine, someone living in an dysfunctional environment, emotionally or physically, or just life has been tough lately finding peace can be a very difficult task.

I have had 19 months of misdiagnosed after misdiagnosed from 8 different doctors, and soon I will learn if surgery can help me with this debilitating pain of two hip muscles torn from the bone. A friend of a friend [ or an angel] gave me a book Novena to Mary Undoer of Knots https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=mary+undoer+of+knots

It has brought me so much comfort especially when the anxiety level has peaked beyond control, so I would like to share with you the prayer that is associated with the Novena to Mary.

Mary, Undoer of Knots

O Virgin Mary, faithful Mother who never refuses to come to the aid of your children;Mother whose hands never cease to help, because they are moved by the loving kindness that exists in your Immaculate Heart; Cast your eyes of compassion upon me, and see the snarl of knots that exist in my life.

You know all the pains and sorrows caused by these tangled knots. Mary, my Mother, I entrust to your loving hands the entire ribbon of my life. In your hands there is no knot which cannot be undone.

Most holy Mother, pray for Divine Assistance to come to my aid. Take this knot [ mention need] into your maternal hands this day; I beg you to undo it for the glory of God, once and for all, in the name of your divine Son, Jesus Christ.


It is my hope if you are struggling with a knot that is bringing you fear or anxiety this novena may help you.


Hugs Casey


Jul 17 2018

Help Is Available!!!

I was at a CCADV conference at the Quinnipiac School of Law  and picked up one of their new handout. Just a gentle reminder for those who are in a abusive situation, and for those who have not recognized it.

Help Is Available!!!
Sign of An Abusive Relationship right off CCADV latest handout.
Your partner…
Is physically or sexually violent towards you
Verbally attacks you
Embarrasses you in front of others
Is jealous of your relationship with others
Prevents you from seeing your friends or family
Controls your means of communication, such as your phone or email
Withholds money from you or prevents you from working
Stalks or harasses you, such as following you or sending unwanted text messages

Please know you have the right to live a life free from abuse!!!

The toll free hotline 888 774 2900  services are free and confidential.

Please take a moment and share this info, you could be saving a life.

Hugs Casey

Mar 07 2018

CCADV Moves Forward on Dual Arrest

In the CCADV winter newsletter they share news about  a very important change for Connecticut. To date Connecticut struggles with the country’s highest dual arrest rate, approximately 20% of the time, both the victim and the abuser are arrested at the scene of a domestic violence incident.

The national average is 7%, Connecticut’s challenge with this practice is statewide 87 of the state’s 106 law enforcement entities have a dual arrest rate that is double or more than double the national average.

Of course dual arrests will have both long and short term consequences for victims, and their families. For one example the victims perception of the criminal justice system. It takes great courage to reach out for help, many suffer at the hands of their abuser for years. To get arrested, speaking from experience they will never reach out for help again.The distrust in the system leaves the victim and their children on a very vulnerable square.

Our children who witness the dual arrest  also learn to distrust the system ,leaving them with anxiety, uncertainty and financial consequences.

To learn more please check out the story with Karen Jarmoc, President/CEO of the Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence on Fox 61.




Please share your thoughts.

Hugs Casey

Mar 07 2018

No More Week

March 4th 2018 to March 10th is No More Week

No More week is a way you can get involved, perhaps as a individual, group, teams, companies, even as a community. Please consider getting  more involved to raise awareness and end domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse.

Each and every time I am speaking about domestic violence there is always people who are totally in disbelief of  what I have shared. They are shocked at the ALARMING!!! statistics, secrets, the shame that is going on right in there very own back yards, across the street and in there community.How domestic violence affects each and everyone of us is costly on every level, physically, emotionally, and financially.

Please click the link below to learn more.


Let’s Takeover Time Square on No More Week




Hugs Casey


Nov 18 2017

Urge Congrss to Support I-VAWA

I would like to share yet another email I received from Futures Without Violence https://www.futureswithoutviolence.org/ On November 14, 2017 the U.S. Senate re-introduced the International Violence Against Women Act (I-VAWA), a groundbreaking piece of legislation aimed at preventing violence against women and girls across the globe. The announcement followed the passage of the Women, Peace and Security Act, which was signed into law on October 6, 2017.
There is a strong momentum in advancing women’s rights, increasing their security and improving the conditions under which they can meet their full potential. The stage is set for the U.S. to confirm its commitment to making ending violence against women a pillar on which its foreign policy agenda stands.
Ask your Members of Congress to co-sponsor and pass I-VAWA now!

This Tuesday November 21, 2017  meet State Senator Henri Martin and State Representative Bill Petit for coffee in Plainville, Connecticut. http://www.cthousegop.com/petit/2017/11/17/plainville-legislators-host-morning-coffee-hour-4/   Perhaps to discuss this very subject.

Please check out the link below for a letter to send as well.

Hugs Casey


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