

Jan 31 2021

I Love This Quote!!!

“Perfectionism is self-abuse of the highest order.”

-Anne Wilson Schaef

I have written, spoke, blogged about domestic violence, adverse childhood experiences, trauma, and how we as humans can and most likely will carry ALL!!! of it with us into our adult world.

I must admit I never spoke or wrote about self-abuse when it comes to perfectionism. So, the first time I read this quote by Dr, Anne Wilson Schaef it certainly gave me something to think about. I pondered for days about the simplest of thoughts or actions, even non action can be put in the category of perfectionism. I had to keep asking myself why do these habits of ours go by for so long without being noticed? Why can we be so hard on ourselves? Is it to take our mind off all the other stuff that can be so difficult to work through.

Dr Anne writes

We must move in our recovery
from one addiction to another
for two major reasons: first, we
have not recognized and

treated the underlying
addictive process, and second,
we have not accurately isolated
and focused upon the specific

Anne Wilson Schaef


What are your thoughts about perfectionism?

Hugs Casey