

Sep 19 2018

A Sweet Message from a Reader!!

I get many messages from all kinds of people from many walks of life. I am always so touched by their words and the fact they took the time to reach out to me. So, I would like to share the latest message I received a day or so ago.

“No one should have to live like that. I read the book and could not put it down, I lend it to a friend and she could not put it down, another friend purchased your book & she couldn’t put it down, I attended your seminar, and you were fabulous. Very strong person. “ You Are a Surviver.”

You sat behind me in Church w/ your little guy , and one would never know how much you were hurting. I wish I had known. I would have given you the biggest hug, + would have offered my help to you , even if only to help take care of your son. Anything, just anything just to help you.
Even offered you my home♥️.
God Bless you Casey Morley, you + your son.
“ I’m here if you ever need anything.
I know what it’s like to suffer & what people do to you instead of trying to help.
But “ God is watching “ and we are all in turn.”

I hope you found some comfort in her words and I hope if you ever need a friend:  there is a Maria for you.

Hugs Casey