I would love to share this message that was on Facebook posted by a dear friend of mine. Dawn was not sure who posted it or wrote it, but I felt it was to beautiful of a message not to share. I was at a Dollar Tree last night and there was a lady and …
Category Archive: Personal Development
Nov 24 2018
Judge, 25th Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards
I shared in a earlier post my surprise email from Writer’s Digest and that I won first place in the Inspirational category for self-published book. I thought you would enjoy reading some of my follow-up email, and how books are evaluated. A few quick notes to help you understand.how it all works, – Books are …
Oct 28 2018
A Facebook Wonder
When I read this post on Facebook I was brought to tears. My thoughts if only if only this was taught to all children at an appropriate age could, domestic abuse begin to decrease in alarming numbers. Just think how many young adults look at what this message has to say and honor it. How …
Oct 26 2018
Affirmations After Affirmations
There are times in our lives I think most of us question, what are we doing, where are we going etc. I have struggled for 2 years now with crippling pain, and learned only three months ago that I have been misdiagnosed ALL!!! these months. I won’t go into those issues but believe me …
Oct 18 2018
A Writer’s Digest Surprise
. This was one exciting email to receive, I take pleasure in sharing this thrilling news. Please see below. Hi Casey, Congratulations! Your book, *Crawling Out*, has been awarded First Place in the Inspirational category for the Writer’s Digest’s Self-Published Book Awards. Your prize includes $1,000 in cash and promotion in the March/April 2019 …
Sep 19 2018
A Sweet Message from a Reader!!
I get many messages from all kinds of people from many walks of life. I am always so touched by their words and the fact they took the time to reach out to me. So, I would like to share the latest message I received a day or so ago. “No one should have to …
Jul 23 2018
Mary, Undoer of Knots
As one could imagine, someone living in an dysfunctional environment, emotionally or physically, or just life has been tough lately finding peace can be a very difficult task. I have had 19 months of misdiagnosed after misdiagnosed from 8 different doctors, and soon I will learn if surgery can help me with this debilitating pain …