Jul 13 2017

Domestic Abuse: Breaking the Cycle and Making a Difference

Just know you are not alone in your perpetual struggle to crawl out. Victims of abuse and domestic violence have been demonized as a personal sin, like it is a choice, the price of not knowing any better.

The more I research, and learn about the reality of what is really going on all around us, and the surge in people being abused. The more my heart and soul, my conscious is being fed to make a difference.

To help, give hope, moving many to empowerment. To regain their birthrights and be at peace. Be part of helping victims of this nationwide epidemic find their voice and courage to speak out and get help.

To Learn more about how you can help, please join me at Our Lady of Calvary http://www.ourladyofcalvary.net/ on Sept. 13, 2017

. To register:


Jun 13 2017

Acres of Diamonds Are Beneath Your Feet!!

I just watched a Mike Dooley free video on Empowered Creative Visualization.  http://www.tut.com/ Mike   started with a story I never heard, Acres of Diamonds. Awesome story with a great lesson to it. Please take a moment to check it out.http://www.nightingale.com/articles/acres-of-diamonds/

Just an hour before the video I met with a Pastor Joshua at one of our local churches. I shared with him one of my first steps to leaving victimhood to landing on the  survivor square was to learn about how my  thoughts created my future. It is true what we think about we bring about. When one comes from dysfunctional more often than not. It is what we know. I am always asking when I am at a speaking event. “How do you get out of something you don’t know you are in?”

So my journey of  changing my thoughts, words, and actions began.

I am rich in every aspect beyond my wildest of dreams, and so are you.

Begin to notice the diamonds beneath your feet, and let me know what they look like.

Hugs Casey

Ps  Thoughts become things… choose the good ones! ®  comes right from Mike Dooley Notes from the Universe email

Mar 01 2017

NO MORE Week 2017

Domestic violence and sexual assault are huge problems, everyone knows someone who is suffering from some form of abuse. The smallest of actions can go a long way towards creating a team, a town, a society that does not and will not tolerate domestic violence and sexual assault.

The NO MORE Week theme is Louder Together, because everything we do, say, or give makes a even bigger impact. When I am speaking I will ask my audience to please spend only ten minutes to research it, talk it, teach your young, volunteer and or pledge. I promise you within only ten minutes of your time, you will learn how devastating our statistics are and I hope you will be nudged to make a difference.

Below I have shared with you some of the email I received about the NO MORE Week 2017.
Here’s how you can make this year’s NO MORE Week the biggest, loudest one yet:

TALK – Amplify the conversation by adding your support to the social media



GIVE – Domestic violence and sexual assault programs are under-funded and
under-resourced – help them continue their lifesaving work in YOUR community! Join
The NO MORE Challenge
to help local programs win $150,000 in cash prizes to continue their vital work.
If you’re a nonprofit organization:

Fill out a quick form to apply the Challenge
until March 17th! The Challenge starts on March 2nd and ends on April 11th.

Just an awesome person looking to make a difference?
You can join too! Customize this sample email

to invite to your favorite nonprofit to join the Challenge so you can help them win
lots of cash for their amazing work.

ACTIVATE – Gather your friends, coworkers or neighbors to host a community event.
Click here to add your events
to the NO MORE Week map!


The NO MORE Team

Together we can make a difference.

Hugs Casey

Feb 22 2017

Another Great Email From A Reader

The past four months have been quit trying for me, emotionally and physically. Receiving this email was the perfect pick me up, and a hug from a reader affirming my work is making a difference…

Casey I recently read your book. My sister Anita purchased it at the Apple Harvest Festival. Anita passed away last June and I just received it from her daughter.

Casey, you have such courage and strength and a great belief in God. I’m sure this is how you got thru all that you went thru. I applaud you for finally standing up for yourself.

I couldn’t put the book down once I started reading it. I’m so glad you got the courage to go on, so many people would have given up. I’m sure it wasn’t easy but you did it with the help of others. It is also nice to know you are trying to help others while you are trying to heal yourself.

I wish you all the best in the years to come, be good to yourself. I grew up with an alcoholic father but, had a wonderful mother to all five of us so I know how difficult life can be growing up in that kind of environment.

I’m also so happy your son turned out so well.



Go here for more book reviews.




Jan 18 2017

Abused, Violated, And Devastated!

I had no idea what I was looking at.

I had no idea it would be so difficult to retrieve.

I had no idea it could all be taken away!!

I had no idea I could be put in such a vulnerable position.

I had no idea I would feel so Abused, Violated, and Devastated.

I am talking about a virus that decrypted all my computer files. The computer technician deemed the virus to be ransom ware. In which all my hard work and dedication to this journey was gone, stolen from me by hackers. Everything was taken from me, testimonials, reviews, speeches, pictures, blogs, everything.

It never entered my mind that anything like this could happen. That someone could get into my computer and be looking at me. Planning to destroy and steal all that I created, all that I worked so hard on for years. Only to ask for money to get it all back.

I had no idea how this experience would affect me physically, emotionally, and psychologically. For the first five days, I was sick to my stomach, couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep. Totally in disbelief, and having anxiety attacks.

As time went on, I became fearful of life, afraid to go outside for my daily walk. Afraid to drive my car, fearful an object was closer than I thought. Surely, I was going to hit it. Fearful another car was going to hit me, or I couldn’t judge distance between cars, or wouldn’t be able to slow down when necessary.

As the days and weeks continued, I realized this computer experience was bringing up my very painful past. Violation after violation. Yesterday’s feelings of being vulnerable, unsafe, not trusting, exposed, made me feel like I was raped once again and the perpetrator stole my panties.

I cried, I struggled to hang on, I was exhausted, numb, fighting to resist a state of depression I would never crawl out of. Desperately clinging to affirmations, with an intention of optimism, goodness, happiness, the bright side of this lesson.

I worried, will I ever be able to move on from this trauma? Will I be able to feel my passion to make a difference? To give from my heart and soul again? Will I find joy in my everyday life? This heaviness I am carrying is destroying me. I pray for new strength, purpose, and more resilience. I pray to find me again. The me that has the guts and gumption to stand tall and make a difference for victims of domestic violence.

To make a difference for all who have been.

Abused!! Violated!! and Devastated!!




Nov 13 2016

Domestic Violence Walk in Middletown

I was honored to receive a call from Captain Gary Wallace from the Middletown, Connecticut  Police Department, beginning-walkingasking me to be his special guest speaker at this years 2nd annual walk. Walk To End The Silence was on October 30, 2016. This walk originated in memory of Baby Aaden-who tragically lost his life at the hands of his abuser- and all of their neighbors who are affected by domestic violence/ intimate partner violence. The cycles  of abuse must be recognized and broken, along with the secrets victims must keep out of fear, shame, and guilt.

That afternoon, was a powerful, emotional event. I met many dedicated  amazing people who work very hard at making a difference for victims, and survivors. Please take a moment to watch Fox61 coverage.


Please remember

“Together We Can Make A Difference”

Hugs Casey

Sep 06 2016

Help For Male Survivors

abused man free picI was thinking about my presentation, and decided to gather some information especially designed for male survivors of domestic abuse. I was pleased to find some very good websites for men. I thought for today I would focus on sharing some  affirmations I found on www.malesurvivor.org

                      YOU ARE NOT ALONE

10 Daily Affirmations for Male Survivors  by Dr. Howard Fradkin

  1. Recovery is absolutely possible and achievable for me.
  2. I will practice being disloyal to dysfunction and loyal to functionality.
  3. I give myself permission to connect to loving, affirmative, strong, sensitive, accepting men and women in my community.
  4. I release and forgive myself for any responsibility I have accepted in the past for my abuse.
  5. The abuser[s] from the past chose to hurt me. I will stop repeating the lie that it just happened to me.
  6. Offering myself daily compassion is necessary for my healing growth.
  7. I commit to connecting to the boy inside me today so we can play, laugh, and experience joy together, even if just for a minute or two.
  8. I believe deep inside me I possess the ability to face the truth of my abuse and to learn to use new tools for healing.
  9. I have the right and the ability to speak the truth of my abuse and deserve to be heard, understood, believed and supported.
  10. Feeling is healing. As I heal, I develop the ability to experience a wider range of emotions to enhance my health and connections to others.

I hope these  affirmations begin to change your thought process, because I am often heard saying “what you think about you bring about.” I also believe change your thoughts and your life will follow.

Please visit www.caseymorley.com for more resources.




Aug 18 2016

Albert Einstein’s Quotes Helped Me

I am still  on my purging journey, tackling one section of my home at a time. Today I worked on sorting the countless little pieces of paper with notes on them.

On my computer desk I came across a quote from Albert Einstein. I was nudged to share it with you. I just love so many of his quotes! In fact, my salon has many of them in little black frames on the wall as you enter. Back in the day when many days were so difficult, one of his quotes helped me to stay on track, or at least think of something other than SURVIVING!

Albert Einstein is one of the most famous, universally admired persons in human history. HisAlbert Einstein 2 wise, and humorous quotations, letters, and articles are used wisely throughout popular culture.

Here are a few of my favorites:

“The woman who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd.The woman who walks alone is likely to find herself in places no one has ever been.”  I just love that one.

“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you EVERYWHERE.”

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.”

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

I am all about raising  domestic violence awareness, and educating those about  the horrific epidemic we have all around us in our very own backyards. You will often hear me say. “Please research it, talk it, teach your young, volunteer, and or pledge.”  So I will leave you with this last quote from Albert Einstein …

“The world is not dangerous because of those who do harm, but because of those who look at it without doing anything.”

Go here to find more of Einstein’s quotes : http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/a/albert_einstein.html

Together We Can Make A Difference.

Hugs Casey





Aug 08 2016

FOX61 Excited About President Obama’s Endorsement

Fox61 photo 2Thank you everybody who took the time to connect with me through https://www.facebook.com/caseymorleycrawlingout/ about  the FOX 61  video interview. The responses were awesome!

Many shared their  supportive, kind loving words. I thought I would share a few of them with you.

“So proud to have known you for the past 30 plus years, Always knew you were one BRAVE Lady and now the world knows too. We all experience different things for a reason…to learn and to teach others how to learn, cope and overcome…You special Lady have done both.”  ~Connie

“You’re an inspiration to so many people, and I’m so proud to have you as a fellow citizen.”

“My mother always told me you were a special person!”

“That’s great, Casey. More people need to know your story and how you survived with a lot of faith and determination!! You are uniquely special.”     ~Grace & Dick Fortunato

“Just caught it. Congratulations and thanks for sharing your story. There needs to be more awareness on domestic violence.”

Please enjoy the video:


I hope you enjoyed the video …. “Together We Can Make A Difference.”

Aug 02 2016

A Letter From The White House

president letter


I received a letter from the White House today … signed by President Barack Obama! The letter expressed appreciation for sharing my story in my book, Crawling Out.

President Obama wants every victim to know they are not alone, and he stands with them. Doing everything he can to address these crimes no matter where they occur. Including how we have to keep reaching out to survivors to make sure they’re getting all the support they need.

At the end of the letter the President thanked me for taking the time to write, and added more information and resources, including advocacy and survivor services, visit www.WhiteHouse.gov/1is2many and www.NotAlone.gov.Ending with “Please know your message will remain in my thoughts in the days and months ahead.”

As I am often heard saying “Together We Can Make A Difference.”

Hugs Casey

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