

Jul 16 2017

Theta Brainwave and Childhood Trauma

I hope to see you thereI have been very busy this past month with one webinar after another. Most of them dealing with an authors life, some for fun, like creative visualization. I have notes everywhere, to be rewritten, and organized into folders that match similar info.

I found myself listening to a woman one day about Theta brainwaves. Unfortunately on my scribbled notes on little pieces of paper I did not write who she was. More  important is what she had to say. From birth to six years old the brain is in Theta, it is like a sponge, no filter. Everything we watch, see, hear gets stored in our subconscious mind.

Example: Tell a spider story to the child’s mom, if she screams, beats the spider with a newspaper. The child will look and learn. Oh! that is the way I am suppose to act when I see a spider.

At my speaking events I am sure to share with my guests, we operate from our subconscious mind , are you ready? 98% of the time. Which means what we took in from birth to six years old is how we run our lives. Our childhood programing controls our entire life. Remember the brain has no filter, we absorb everything good and bad.

After age six, the brain is in a delta state, we are already looking at things with tainted glasses from our theta brainwave. Since I already was listening to subliminal pieces, I was nudged to look up negative childhood brainwashing. I came across the link below, I firmly believe I was divinely guided to this subconscious mind work, and convinced it is  my next step in my healing process.

I urge you to click on this link and just see where it takes you. I would love for you to connect with me and share your thoughts.

My next speaking event is September 13, 2017 at Our Lady of Calvary Retreat Center Farmington, Conn.

To register:http://ourladyofcalvary.net     

Just scroll down to find the September event Domestic Abuse: Breaking the Cycle and Making a Difference

I hope to see you there, in the mean time here is to your healing tomorrows.

Hugs Casey