

Aug 12 2017

Mayor Toni Harp/ WTNH 8

I happened to catch a interview on WTNH 8 with Laura Hutchinson and Mayor Toni Harp. Many good things happening for New Haven, Conn. The one that caught my interest was the talk about a one-stop shopping resource center for families enduring some form of domestic violence.

I would like to share with you the letter I sent Mayor Toni Harp last week.

Dear Mayor Harp,

Hope this letter finds you in good spirits, and enjoying the beautiful summer we are having.

I saw your interview on WTNH 8 last week with Laura Hutchinson, you spoke of many good things happening for New Haven. Your preparedness guide for immigrant families, the new Chief of police Anthony Campbell, and the idea of the “Family Justice Center” being a “one stop shopping” source. When I heard you speak of that, I knew I wanted to reach out to you.
Mayor Harp, I am the author of Crawling Out, One Woman’s Journey to Break the Cycle of Abuse. I have been through 50 years of one form of abuse or another. Today, I am a domestic violence advocate, and have spoken at a few colleges, and at many local churches to make a difference.

I have enclosed a copy of my book as a gift to you, and would like to donate 15 books to the future family justice center. If you can see my book in the center as an avenue for the New Haven clients to find the strength and courage to begin their own journey of crawling out, I would be honored to be part of making a difference for those families.

It is my hope that victims of domestic violence learn there is a way out, there is a way to begin change, the way of their lives as they have tragically known them do not have to go on forever. It is our birthright to live in a safe and peaceful environment with love and joy in our hearts. Nothing is more torturous than having indignity heaped upon us.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this letter. If you need additional information, I can be reached at my work #860-628-8857. I look forward to hearing from you because I know “Together We Can Make a Difference.”

Best to you,

Casey Morley

P.S. To learn more about me please visit www.caseymorley.com www.crawlingout.net I can only hope every town and city in Connecticut  will eventually have a one stop shopping resource center for families suffering from  some form of abuse.



Please share your thoughts on this idea.